Sunday, March 2, 2014

My grooming service and prices are non negotiable.

This is a topic that frustrates me quite a bit. If your easily offended or have ever tried to haggle down a professional service I reccomend you don't read any further.

I have been getting a lot of enquiries recently via Facebook, email, phone and text and although a lot of those people proceed to make a booking I still have those few people that whinge and try to haggle on the price. My prices are FIRM unless otherwise agreed upon. Small dog 10kg and under is $45, medium dog 10- 20kg is $55, large dog 20-35kg is $65 and extra large dog 35kg+ is $75. This price is for 'the Works' which includes a bath, blowdry, ear cleaning and plucking, nail clipping and the hair cut. 

I offer multiple dog discounts so save yourself $5 and bring along a friends dog and also a $5 discount for pensioners. I have just recently brought in some loyalty cards which have some amazing discounts on them including on your 5th visit you get a half price groom and 10th visit you get the groom for free! 

It really makes me quite upset when people try to haggle with me. I am very flexible and will try to work with you the best I can but I have to make a living myself! My shampoo, tools and utilities are not cheap, but I like to use the best so my customers are guaranteed a great quality groom and at an affordable price. I am a young, work from home mum and the dog grooming is my main income. I know that money is an issue for a lot of people, but to be brutally honest, if you can't scrape up the money every 2-3 months to get your dog groomed, then perhaps you need to reconsider your finances. I know stuff happens and quite often our four legged, furry friends are often the ones who get neglected but please just speak to me and we may be able to work something out- you may have something that I need, or even a nice, home cooked meal (I am a terrible cook!) 

Here is a list of stuff that I need and I am willing to swap grooming services for:
- Dog cages
- Dog leads 
- Baby girl nursery furniture
- Baby clothes for a boy size 1 and a newborn girl
- Hairdressing and beauty treatments for myself
- Household cleaning. 

My prices are some of the cheapest you will get around  and I am probably the best groomer around. I was charging $73 just for a small dog on the Gold Coast. People were willing to pay that price. I simply cannot charge that much here. I have all my qualifications which are compulsory if you own a dog grooming business (always ask your groomer what qualifications they have, and if they have none, walk away!) I have been trained by some of the best groomers in Queensland, and even though my grooms are still not 100% perfect, you are still getting an absolute bargain at $45 a dog! 

I am a professional service, just like your hairdresser, plumber, electrician etc. Do you try to haggle down their prices? No. Please don't treat me any differently. 

Thank you and I hope I have not upset anyone with this blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Proper dog grooming is essential to the health, happiness, and overall well being of your pooch. Most people aren't able to take care of all that is necessary to keep their dog well groomed. That's when it's time to call upon the assistance of a professional dog groomer.

    Toronto Dog Groomer
