Tuesday, April 16, 2013



Hello everyone, my name is Leanne and I am a dog groomer situated on The Gold Coast. I have worked at a 'top of the range' or 'luxury salon' as some people have called it for the past 2 years, but I have been grooming dogs in total for nearly 5 years.I originally started grooming in Adelaide as part of a trainee ship, and then I managed to get a grooming job in NSW so I moved there with the promise of being trained under a certified master groomer. Things never worked out how I planned and now here I am on The Gold Coast and it has been the best move I have made in my life so far!

 I will be leaving my current salon next week to have my baby and then late May to early June I will be opening up my own home grooming salon with my husband called 'The Pink Pooch.' 

I have been waiting for the best time to open my own salon, and I feel that now is the right time, I am in the prime of my life, I have been fully trained and have undertaken proper qualifications in the grooming field. I believe I have what it takes to own and operate a fully functioning salon from the comfort of my own home. No more working under money hungry franchises, and feeling as though the love and care has been taken out of grooming dogs and replaced with the greed for more customers and money! I have worked in a wide variety of Dog Grooming salons, all operated in a different way, so I know what works and what doesn't  and I especially know what a customer wants out of their grooming experience- Great service and a Great Price! Most salons focus on the bells and the whistles which is great to a certain extent, but most dog owners want their dog groomed, smelling great and well cared for. Believe me when I tell you, the more expensive the groom does not necessarily mean you will be getting a great service and groom. 

I love dog grooming and take pride in what I do, I treat dogs the way that I would want my own dogs to be treated at a dog grooming salon. The grooming will be done one on one which means that only one dog will be groomed at a time rather then at most salons where it is more or less treated like a factory chain with approximately of 20-30 dogs groomed in a day and in the salon at any one time. I am aiming at grooming 8 dogs a day, with each dog coming in on the hour and picked up in the following hour. I wont be using cages, instead I have a lovely grassed courtyard area where dogs are able to run around whilst waiting for the owner. Although on rainy days, I do have a playpen inside the salon so the nice, clean dogs wont get all smelly and dirty! 

So anyway, my aim of this blog is to introduce you to the good, the bad and the ugly side of dog grooming, from the most darling dogs, to the downright extreme. I will be giving advice and taking photos of my incredible journey. So I hope you will enjoy and understand that dog grooming is not always the most glamorous job in the world, but we do it, because it is also the most rewarding and exciting job around! No day is like another!


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